Wednesday, June 16, 2010


here at Circle C but I have been a tad busy with our new additions. If you haven't seen all the pictures you can check them out on my other blog

We had a great winter and a ton of wonderful winter boarders. They have since left and we have actually filled their spot with some wonderful new people. I am very pleased with the incredible people and horses we now have here at Circle C. I promise to post some pictures and such to come.


Anonymous said...

It is great to see all the pictures of the little ones and the girls riding in the show. Makes me wish I was still down there. Weather has been the pits up here but we have managed to get some rides in. The kids are beautiful. Say hi to all!!!

Unknown said...

I love the people at the stables...everyone is so friendly and very helpful....Beth and Memo are great people....and of course, the babies are ADORABLE!