Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We all decided to go over to the rodeo grounds and compete in the Gyhmkhana. It was a blast. It was the first time Joe and Diane got the chance to compete. Considering we were all riding horses that don't normally do that sort of thing I think we all did quite well. None of us fell off, so that's a good thing! Nicole did really well and actuallyplaced second in a couple of the classes. We did get her to lighten up and she took big ole Niki in the flag race. It was quite a site to see and she almost couldn't reach down and get the flag out of the bucket, Niki was too tall! It was a fun day and a good time.
Here's Joe and Chance without a head!!

Joe rounding the poles!

Niki ready for her debut!

Francisco looking snazzy for the ride over on Mark

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