Monday, November 24, 2008


One of the boarders, Maggie had a great Birthday on Sunday- she is only 25 of course!!! Maggie and her family own Cinnamon.

We all went for a trail ride... even all their kids, using a couple of our horses to fill in the blanks. mary looked tiny on bug Niki and Matthew(poor kid) had to ride Zowie. we all had a blast.. .ok maybe not Matthew(he fell off when Zowie jumped the trial ride bars) But it was a good day and fun ride! We need more Birthdays out there to have more fun!! I think Maggie just wanted the Birthday so she had an excuse to drink a Margarita at Los Gringos Locos afterwards!!


Nicole just got a great early Christmas present! He goes by the name (picked by Nicole of course) Monkey. He is gorgeous boy, not too tall and ready to work! Go Get Um NICOLE!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


We all decided to go over to the rodeo grounds and compete in the Gyhmkhana. It was a blast. It was the first time Joe and Diane got the chance to compete. Considering we were all riding horses that don't normally do that sort of thing I think we all did quite well. None of us fell off, so that's a good thing! Nicole did really well and actuallyplaced second in a couple of the classes. We did get her to lighten up and she took big ole Niki in the flag race. It was quite a site to see and she almost couldn't reach down and get the flag out of the bucket, Niki was too tall! It was a fun day and a good time.
Here's Joe and Chance without a head!!

Joe rounding the poles!

Niki ready for her debut!

Francisco looking snazzy for the ride over on Mark


I know it is a few weeks past but I have been really bad at getting to it! Lots has happened since our last post... we'll just start with the Halloween Party. We had a GREAT time. LOTS of kids, I'd say about 100 of them. We had tons of games and pony rides. Our haunted hayride went over so well we ended up taking 7 trips! I don't know what I would have doen without Liz and Lili.... they were life savers! Memo's mom made tamales... but they never made it out to the party! He stole them in the house and stashed them!

It was so much fun and such a success we are thinking of new and exciting things for next year already!