Sunday, July 13, 2008


that I keep forgetting to post!! Let's start with the exciting stuff- Turkeys are getting bigger- Memo thinks we will be eating them, little does he know I have named them and they won't be going anywhere except out for a walk! Alonso is still here for the summer and having a blast. He is doing really well with the horses and I am proud of how good he is at Basketball. His team is getting better, they've won a couple games so far!

We had a BIG 4th of July party and it was FUN! the pool was a perfect temperature, the food was yummy and the fireworks were a blast! We almost had to cancel due to the storms, but they ended up blowing over.

We've had the first of our monsoons and man have they been strong. Flooding everywhere and LOTS of rain.

Lessons have been quiet lately due to the rain and the storms at night, not to mention the heat!

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