Monday, June 23, 2008

Meet Mary

Mary has been taking lessons with us for about 3 months. She started off on Zowie but has progressed so quickly she is now on Mark. Mary may seem tiny but she is a force to be dealt with. She has just began trotting and this Saturday really started getting the hang of posting. She is a master of posting at the walk and it has definitely helped her on her balance. She trotted like a pro and really got into the groove of the post by the end of the lesson. Afterwards, her and McKenzzie spent a couple hours playing with the horses and giving them baths.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

As you can see Isack is no longer a foster... he has taken our hearts and made us fall in love with his crazy, needy, chewy neuroticness! Here he is dug in a hole he made right in front of the water line. He really is a nice dog.
Well this week is a little weird, Alonso has left for camp up in Prescott. It sure seems quiet without him here. He was very nervous but excited. I think his dad was more nervous. Once we got him checked into his cabin and walked around the camp, he gave us a hug and zoomed off with no look back. We know he'll have fun!!
This Saturday we got to go to Julian's (our grandson) birthday party. He is growing so fast it's unbelievable. Maria is back in school and studying nursing... too much dirty work! I don't know how she does it. Work and a 1 year old! YIKES! We are super proud of her though. Judging from Julian's happiness, she will take great care of her patients!

Monday, June 16, 2008


My father was in town this week and we all had a blast taking a little R&R. We had a very busy week... we went to Pinetop, rode horses, had a big Father's day / Memo's Birthday party/ had a slumber party.... anyway we were busy!!! We had Clara and Evelyn (my nieces) stay the night so they could spend some more time with their Papa Bass. It was a blast. We all played with the horses and rode. Evelyn has no fear. She may be tiny but she'll ride like the wind given the chance. Here is a picture of the nights end and her leading Captain, one of our biggest horses to his stall. Well now life goes back to normal.. Lessons, training, work and HEAT! BUT we do have the pool up and running. I think we are going to try and swim Milo this week. I think he'll like it!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So you all know we bought baby peeps with our friends this winter. Well... there are 2 of them that are growing kind of funny. We just figured since we ordered a binch of weird ones that they werre, well weird! Anyway, one of the fathers of my lesson kids was looking in there the other day and said "What are you going to do with the Turkeys?" YIKES... when I looked, there seems to be no doubt we have turkeys!! We looked them up on line and they most definately look like turkeys, not chickens!

What do you think??


Meet Mackenzzie- She has been taking lessons with us for a couple of months. This week we were working on tight turns She will be leasing Mark this summer to learna little more about just how much is involved in having a horse. She is doing extremely well and has helped me to work with Zowie. She was at our big show and was a great hand in cleaning the horses up.

She loves playing with Mark in the water and as you can see, he loves it too!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Well we stripped our horsey swimming pool down and are in the middle of re-vamping it. In case you have never seen it here is a picture of our giant pool. We emptied it and bleached the heck out of it. Now we are painting it. After that we will be changing out the pump and filter. it's been A LOT of work but I can't wait to have it back up and running!!! Pretty soon you'll see pictures of horses and kids swimming!! That tiny speck at the bottom is Memo painting. Kind of puts the size of the pool in perspective!!!