Monday, March 31, 2008


See the header got your attention... but it truly was only talking about the newest addition to our farm. Baby bunnies- Bonnie and Clyde to be exact. We saved them from a meat factory and they are now contentedly muching salad in with the baby chicks. Memo and I spent a couple hours in the afternoon after the hectic time of lessons and life at the ranch just chilling out and sitting on the ground while our two new "kids" hopped in and out of our laps.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Baby Chicks!

On Sunday our order of chicks from Murray McMurray finally arrived! We ordered back in February, expecting them to arrive by February 25th, but they were delayed until Easter Sunday. Aren't they cute!? They are living in my bathtub currently. My friend Rawmilkstar and I went in halves on the order. I ordered some Bantam Frizzles, a Phoenix, a Turken and she ordered a dozen Red Stars and some Pearl White Leghorns.
See you at the ranch!